Congratulations on
One Sweet Deal!

Your Clearwave Fiber purchase has you one step closer to a
superior Internet experience and a valuable reward!

To claim your Gift Card benefit:


Complete and submit the Reward Registration form


Pay your first invoice in full. (You should receive your first invoice within about 30 days of installation).


Watch your inbox for an email with instructions to claim your reward!

Reward Registration Form

Your Name(Required)
Terms and Conditions Consent(Required)
Contact Consent(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • Gift Card Offer Terms & Conditions:  To qualify for the gift card, new residential customer must purchase a Clearwave Fiber internet service plan, pay for 1 full month of service(s) including any applicable One-Time Fiber Connect fee, dispatch fees, equipment fees, taxes, surcharges or any other mandatory fees, regulatory fees, or governmental charges. After 1 full month of payments, a link will be emailed to the account holder to claim the gift card. Claim form must be completed within 90 days. One gift card per household.
    • Active Gift Card Offers:
      • 9/1/24-9/30/24 Offer:  Valid on Internet Service Plans purchased from 9/1/24 -9/30/24
      • 11/25/24-12/31/24 Godfrey, Lansing, Lake City Offer:  Valid on Internet Service Plans purchased from 11/25/24-12/31/24 in Godfrey IL, Lansing KS, and Lake City FL
      • 12/16/24-1/17/25 Exclusive Web-Only Offer:  Valid on Internet Service Plans purchased from 12/16/24-1/5/25 or 1/17/25-2/16/25 via (must select the order online during the order process)
      • Limited Time Live Agent Pre-Order Offer:  Valid on Internet Service Plan purchases pre-ordered ahead of service availability, via live agents in select locations only